What is a CMU Wall?
The concrete Masonry Units (CMU) are made from Portland cement, water, and mineral aggregates.
They are intended for use in partitions and suitable for exterior walls above grade, where effectively protected from the weather.
The concrete masonry units (CMU) are suitable for both loadbearing (Solid CMU Wall) and non-loadbearing or the Hollow CMU Wall applications, there are three classes of concrete masonry units, lightweight less than 105 lbs./cf. (1682 kg/m3), medium weight from 105 to 125Â lbs./cf. (2002 kg/m3) and normal weight of 125 lbs./cf. (2002 kg/m3) or more.
The proportion of coarse aggregate (with respect to total aggregates) should be within a range of 20 to 40 %. Moreover, the exact proportion must be defined experimentally, taking into account both the surface texture and cohesion of the concrete. This should be done by molding 2×4 in (5×10 cm) specimens composed of a 1:9 (cement: aggregate) mixture with different coarse aggregate.